Colombia Jhoan Vergara Tabi 200g - Filter

Date: 27/05/2024
Sale price5.500 KWD


Taste note: Grapes, Starfruit, Jasmin, Lavender
Area: Colombia, Huila - Acevedo
Farm: Las Flores
Varietal: Tabi
Processing: Anaerobic
Altitude: 1750MSL
Area: 16½ Hectares
Shade: Tephrosia

Farm Las Flores began in 1990, it was founded by Edilberto Vergara and Nubia Ayure. The farm has an extension of 16 hectares (160,000) m2, only 2 hectares were cultivated in coffee and it is where the family begain cultivating the free land. In 2006 Nubia Ayure competed in the cup of excellence and was ranked 16th. This was the beginning of the family's venture into specialty coffee. This legacy was passed on to the children of the family.

Already immersed in the subject of quality. Carlos, Jhoan and Diego decide to take the next step. It consisted of starting to develop replicable profiles and thus be able to highlight the potential of each variety, each one having its fundamental work on the farm. Carlos and Diego are in charge of processing and giving proper management to fermentation times, types of processes and care in drying, Jhoan is in charge of analyzing the experiments, defining which process is according to the variety and judging the quality. He is also in charge of the commercial part to publicize the work that is done together.

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