Crystal Eye Optical Glass Dripper 01 - Black

Sale price5.000 KWD


Extraction in Three Layers: Good fit shows clear constructions in
3 layers. Even beginners can pour over easily by viewing the construction.

Closer fit with paper filter: Colored area means the area that filters paper fits the dripper. It ensures close ft of filter paper and the Dripper. Therefore, the shape of
the coffee ground after brewing is round and full. These will help with an evener extraction.

Smoother Permeability: Colored area means the groove that water run through. Its area is more than other drippers. It allows smoother Permeability. With a better permeability, you don't have to worry about the over-extraction of slow water flow.

Glass Crystal Eye Dripper and Optical Glass Dripper: Heat-resist Borosilicate Glass Unibody Aluminum Alloy Holder Withstand the temperature difference of 130 degrees Celsius.

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